About us
Suboptimal diets contribute substantially to the global burden of disease, loss of quality of life, and other economic and social costs. The global food system is one of the largest drivers of global environmental change, including climate change, water and land degradation, biodiversity loss, and deforestation. To address these challenges, changes throughout the food system are needed, including improved production techniques, reductions in food loss and waste, and dietary change towards healthier and more sustainable diets.
To make healthy and sustainable food choices available, accessible, attractive, and affordable for all, evidence-informed public policies are essential. The available evidence on such policies has grown considerably, but important knowledge gaps remain. Through our work, we aim to support the adoption and implementation of optimally designed policies in three policy areas that hold particular promise for supporting healthy and sustainable diets on a population level: school nutrition standards, food labelling, and food taxation.
To accomplish this, we:
- Bring together and analyze existing research, and conduct new, primary research on key questions relevant for policy and practice.
- Develop evidence-informed recommendations for government and other stakeholders.
- Engage with the public, policymakers, civil society, and researchers.
- Build and develop capacities, networks and methods for interdisciplinary and intersectoral food system research and action.
We cultivate an open, cooperative research culture, and entertain flexible collaborations with a broad range of partners. We combine interdisciplinary, multi-method approaches with a high degree of scientific rigour and the use of international methodological gold standards to ensure the validity and trustworthiness of our work.
Food-PlanetH is a cooperation between the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), the University of Göttingen, and the Technical University of Munich. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from October 2022 until September 2027.