Work Package 4

Policy analysis & recommendations

Work Package 4 focuses on systems-based policy analysis and recommendations, with a particular focus on ongoing efforts in Germany to regulate food marketing to which children are exposed, as well systematic policy analysis with the Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI).

As part of this workpackage, we have analysed the reach and public health implication of Germany’s draft Kinder-Lebensmittel-Werbegesetz (Children’s Food Marketing Act) by applying the provisions and criteria of the draft law to a random sample of food products on the German market.

Besides, we are adapting and applying the Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) in Germany. The Food-EPI is an international policy analysis framework based on qualitative content analysis of policy documents and a structured, multi-stage expert consultation process. It involves a comprehensive analysis of policies influencing population-level nutrition, the benchmarking of these policies against international best practices, and the derivation of recommendations for priority policy actions. The Food-EPI has been developed by INFORMAS, an international network of food environment and systems researchers and stakeholders.

In a previous project, we have implemented the Food-EPI in Germany, with a focus on the federal level. As part of Food-PlanetH, we will expand the Food-EPI framework to cover key sustainability-related policy areas. We will also adapt it to the level of the Länder (Germany’s 16 constituent states), implement it in one state (North Rhine-Westphalia), and update our previous analysis for the federal level, allowing us to track progress in policy implementation since its first application in 2020.

Publications from this work package

Journal articles:

  • Holliday N, Leibinger A, Huizinga O, Klinger C, Okanmelu E, Geffert K, Rehfuess E, von Philipsborn P: Use of the WHO Nutrient Profile Model for food marketing regulation in Germany: feasibility and public health implications. Obesity Facts 2023. (Online, open access)

  • Leibinger A, Holliday N, Huizinga O, Klinger C, Okanmelu EC, Geffert K, Rehfuess EA, von Philipsborn P: Reach and public health implications of proposed new food marketing regulation in Germany: an updated analysis. European Journal of Public Health 2024. (Online, open access)

Study protocols:

  • Wiebke F, von Philipsborn P, Buyken A: Adaptation and Validation of the Food Environment Policy Index for the German State (“Länder”) Level: An Iterative Policy Analysis with Expert Consultations. Open Science Framework (OSF) 2024. (Online, open access)

Previous publications on the Food-EPI in Germany: 

  • von Philipsborn P, Geffert K, Klinger C, Hebestreit A, Stratil J, Rehfuess EA: Nutrition policies in Germany: a systematic assessment with the Food Environment Policy Index. Public Health Nutrition 2022, 25(6):1691-1700. (Online, open access)
  • Pineda E, Poelman MP, Aaspõllu A, Bica M, Bouzas C, Carrano E, (…), von Philipsborn P, et al: Policy implementation and priorities to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): A pooled level analysis across eleven European countries. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2022, 23:100522. (Online, open access)
  • von Philipsborn P, Geffert K, Klinger C, Hebestreit A, Stratil J, Rehfuess EA: Policy Brief: Politik für eine gesunde Ernährung – Ausgangslage und Reformvorschläge für Deutschland. Policy Evaluation Network 2021. (Online, open access)  
  • von Philipsborn P, Geffert K, Klinger C, Hebestreit A, Stratil J, Rehfuess EA: Der Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) Ergebnisbericht für Deutschland.Policy Evaluation Network 2021. (Online, open access)
  • von Philipsborn P, Geffert K, Klinger C, Hebestreit A, Stratil J, Rehfuess EA: Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) Evidenzbericht für Deutschland. Policy Evaluation Network 2021. (Online, open access)