Work Package 6:

Capacity and network building

In Work Package 6, we support interdisciplinary and intersectoral food system research and action through capacity, network, and methods development. This work package includes three deliverables.

  1. A scoping review of planetary health nutrition research in and on Germany and a bibliographic network analysis of research actors in this field. This review will provide a systematic and comprehensive overview and analysis of Germany’s planetary health nutrition research landscape, thus supporting network building and research planning and priorisation in this field.
  2. Training for junior researchers, including a week-long, interdisciplinary summer school on planetary health nutrition to be held in Munich. In preparation of this summer school, we will compile an inventory of existing training opportunities in public and planetary health nutrition, which we will make publicly available.
  3. A workshop on methods for integrating planetary health perspectives into health-related evidence syntheses, to be shared at a national or international conference.

In a previous effort to support networking within the public and planetary health nutrition community, we established the Public Health Nutrition listserv, which currently links over 800 researchers and policy and practice stakeholders from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. New members are cordially invited to join through this link.